Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sole Sisters

Earlier this morning I had planned on hitting the pavement with a friend who I haven't run with in a while. She has unexpected guests from out of town and would not have been in any condition to run after a late evening out. I was a bit relieved because I'm still really sore from yesterdays' The PITT work out and afternoon run, but I was also bummed bcause we haven't run together since February and I took a rest day on Thursday.... So I will need to hit the treadmill later today.

The majority of my friends know that I prefer to run alone, but I'm fully aware that the women I run with now and have with in the past are a crucial component to my fitness journey and the success I've had with it so far. Running is such a personal and sometimes emotional experience for me and that is why I love to do it solo. After the 1st mile I go into an almost zen state where all is well with the world and I love that feeling. Perhaps that's when  I hit my runners high, I don't know.... But what I do know is that even with the iPod going and the occassional breeze, I feel free most of the time. Don't get me wrong, it isn't unicorns & rainbows every single time I run, but when it is I love it.

Before I continue to paint myself as a selfish running ass let me explain why I prefer to run alone. I don't run fast. There. I said it. That's why I like to run alone. Not because I don't like people or even because of the zen-like state a nice run puts me in, but because I can't run at a decent speed and talk at the same time. I've been at this for 2.5 years and I still cannot talk while I run! My last running partner was an amazing runner who could talk at a fast running pace for the entire hour without sounding breathless. She's amazing. Why did I run with her? Because at the time she was going thru some stuff and I thought i'd be someone she could unload on. I thought she needed a friend and so I tried to be that to her while we ran.

The following ladies are the ones who have endured runs with me. Some really great and some not so great but know that without them I never would have embraced running as I have. They have inspired me to do things I never thought possible for me. Love these gals immensely.

Without this group of women I'm certain I wouldn't have as many medals as I do nor the confidence to keep going. I hope to add many more to my running album because truth be told, I do love running with friends... just don't make me talk, especially if we're running fast! :o)

Enjoy your weekend everyone! :o)


  1. I can't talk when I run, either. But remember that time we ran at the park and you were able to talk the entire time. :-) You're a great runner!

  2. Thanks, Jac! I loved running with you! Hey, remember when we accidentally almost ran a 1/2 marathon?!?! Lol! :0)

    1. I think about that every time we go to Sprinkles. ha ha ha!!! My how times have changed. Now I would make the accident of almost running a 5k, instead of the half! Race Fail!
