Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I HATE Technology Sometimes!

This morning's run was grrrrrr! It was a run that I actually really, really did not want to do because I woke up to day 2 of TOM. I felt sluggish, bloated & tired but I trudged along anyway. At around mile 2 I noticed that my Nike app had not announced my mileage at all. When I checked my phone it showed my run paused at .52! Omigosh! I flipped!!!! I stopped for a minute to try & decide wether or not I should keep going, but then realized I was already half way done & would be finished soon, so off I went. I like to think that every run I do is not for time, but mileage is a big deal to me because I like to watch the miles increase over the year. This morning my GRRRR was in caps but it's dwindled down to just.... Grrrr. :0)

Which leads me to my next deal.... a different mileage tracker for my runs. Many of my running buddies own the kind that you wear on your wrist that have a strap you wear around your torso. I've really never done much research on them because I've always relied on my phone apps, but I think the time has come to seriously start looking for one. The question is, which one?!? There are sooo many & they're expensive, and I really don't want to buy a sucky one. I know in my heart that the apps I've been using aren't 100% accurate, however I've been fine with them.... til today. What do you guys think? I do not run for time, so would it be a waste of time & money?

I did experienced a slight Criminal Minds moment while on my run. About half way down the canal I noticed a white truck with a man holding a large object in his hand. At first I wasn't sure what he was holding, but the closer I got I realized it was a shovel. My first thought was to turn around, but that would've added about another mile to my run & I did not want to do that. Besides, he looked like he was 80 and what he was doing with a shovel I do not not know! I'm not a fast runner, but I totally could've gotten away. Kinda scary at first though. :0/

Sorry about the ranting, but that's really how today's training went. I'm expecting for the rest of the day to go well and I'm excited because after today, only one more day of work then I'm off for the summer.... 2.5 weeks, actually. Yay anyway!!! :0)

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