Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fresh Legs.....

....are for the most part what got me thru this mornings' run. It felt really wonderful not feeling any pain for most of it and I was happy only having  to focus on my surroundings, the occasional breeze and whichever song was playing. I thought after yesterday's PITT work out, I would feel really sore because normally when I hit the floor most mornings, especially after a hard work out, my legs and sometimes feet are screaming bloody murder. Not today!!! :o) I do love the soreness I feel on my muscles most of the time because that just tells me that I worked hard, but not when I have to run. My history with cramping has made it so that any twitch freaks me out! I'd rather give birth to 10 pound twins than to ever cramp again. Seriously! Most runners relish running in great weather , (especially in AZ), good terrain, etc. In my case, nothing tops fresh legs while I run. That pain-free, no tightness whatsoever while I run feeling is better than........ ummmm, butter cream frosting! :o)

Sooooo, at about 4 miles into my workout I noticed someone headed in my direction who looked verrrrry familiar. As I got closer I realized it was one of my Sole Sisters!!!! Amy W.! I 've only hit the pavement with her once before and we run at a very similar pace so I didn't die. She did kick it up some and I was probably going at full speed for me, but we didn't talk.... much. I think it's pretty funny that after my last rant blog post about being a content solo runner,  I would run into a dear friend and enjoy it! Of course, it was only for 1 mile and we didn't carry on a full conversation (thank goodness). :o) Lucky for me, she was headed over to boot camp up at the park nearby and I was about a 1/4 mile from my house, so I had a good excuse for cutting it short.

I'm starting to think that I may need to start setting some more goals for myself... Not sure what though. I'm at my happy weight ( for the most part), I hit my mark on the exercise front 99% of the time and I've got a couple races lined up to train for. I'm thinking maybe I should just set some non-fitness goals... so I don't burn myself out. I know! My goal this week will be to come up for some new goals! Yes! :o)

Well, time to start my day... I'd like to leave with you this: I know that all of you amazing ladies live very busy lives and I'd like to thank you for taking the time out for me and following me. Your support means more than you will ever know. You are all so motivating and inspire me to push myself in ways I never thought possible. Love you guys! :o)


  1. It was rather pleasant out this morning! I haven't run on a weekday morning in a long time. It was nice, I even got drizzled on a bit. You're doing great, Patty!
