Saturday, June 23, 2012

Unscheduled Rest Day

This morning I woke up with pretty sore legs, and after alot of pacing I decided to just go ahead and let this be my rest day for the week. I usually reserve those days for Sunday because even God rested on the 7th day, but I think that at some point my calves would've wound up like this had I decided to go ahead and run.

That is not my leg, obviously, but man, am I ever so familiar with the ever dreaded calf cramp(s)! The first time I experienced those during a race, I almost hurled myself into Tempe Town Lake and I cant swim!!! Ugh!

So today will consist of some light house cleaning, a couple episodes of Mob Wives, (one of my many guilty pleasures), and of course what should be a part of every rest day!

I'm not a huge beer drinker but I HEART Bud Light Lime! It makes summer even that much sweeter! AND with only 110 calories per bottle I could justify it as part of one of my snacks! Yeah, I love this beer.

Another thing I try to do several times during my weekly rest day is play with this:

Get your mind out of the gutter! It's a rolling stick for my legs! I was very skeptical when I first purchased it, but after trying it a few times I did notice a huge difference in how my legs felt during the day after a run. It does what a foam roller does but much easier to use. No having to lay on the ground... Just sit or stand and roll away, much like rolling dough with a rolling pin. I concentrate mostly on my calves and hamstrings but sometimes do work on the IT Bands and quads. My legs love & thank me when I go to town with them using this toy. ;O) If you're interested in one, click here leg rolling stick for more info.

Ok, so off I go to start on the light cleaning ! :o)

What do you do to help with muscle soreness after a run/workout?

What is your favorite beer?

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