Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sole Sisters

Earlier this morning I had planned on hitting the pavement with a friend who I haven't run with in a while. She has unexpected guests from out of town and would not have been in any condition to run after a late evening out. I was a bit relieved because I'm still really sore from yesterdays' The PITT work out and afternoon run, but I was also bummed bcause we haven't run together since February and I took a rest day on Thursday.... So I will need to hit the treadmill later today.

The majority of my friends know that I prefer to run alone, but I'm fully aware that the women I run with now and have with in the past are a crucial component to my fitness journey and the success I've had with it so far. Running is such a personal and sometimes emotional experience for me and that is why I love to do it solo. After the 1st mile I go into an almost zen state where all is well with the world and I love that feeling. Perhaps that's when  I hit my runners high, I don't know.... But what I do know is that even with the iPod going and the occassional breeze, I feel free most of the time. Don't get me wrong, it isn't unicorns & rainbows every single time I run, but when it is I love it.

Before I continue to paint myself as a selfish running ass let me explain why I prefer to run alone. I don't run fast. There. I said it. That's why I like to run alone. Not because I don't like people or even because of the zen-like state a nice run puts me in, but because I can't run at a decent speed and talk at the same time. I've been at this for 2.5 years and I still cannot talk while I run! My last running partner was an amazing runner who could talk at a fast running pace for the entire hour without sounding breathless. She's amazing. Why did I run with her? Because at the time she was going thru some stuff and I thought i'd be someone she could unload on. I thought she needed a friend and so I tried to be that to her while we ran.

The following ladies are the ones who have endured runs with me. Some really great and some not so great but know that without them I never would have embraced running as I have. They have inspired me to do things I never thought possible for me. Love these gals immensely.

Without this group of women I'm certain I wouldn't have as many medals as I do nor the confidence to keep going. I hope to add many more to my running album because truth be told, I do love running with friends... just don't make me talk, especially if we're running fast! :o)

Enjoy your weekend everyone! :o)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I HATE Technology Sometimes!

This morning's run was grrrrrr! It was a run that I actually really, really did not want to do because I woke up to day 2 of TOM. I felt sluggish, bloated & tired but I trudged along anyway. At around mile 2 I noticed that my Nike app had not announced my mileage at all. When I checked my phone it showed my run paused at .52! Omigosh! I flipped!!!! I stopped for a minute to try & decide wether or not I should keep going, but then realized I was already half way done & would be finished soon, so off I went. I like to think that every run I do is not for time, but mileage is a big deal to me because I like to watch the miles increase over the year. This morning my GRRRR was in caps but it's dwindled down to just.... Grrrr. :0)

Which leads me to my next deal.... a different mileage tracker for my runs. Many of my running buddies own the kind that you wear on your wrist that have a strap you wear around your torso. I've really never done much research on them because I've always relied on my phone apps, but I think the time has come to seriously start looking for one. The question is, which one?!? There are sooo many & they're expensive, and I really don't want to buy a sucky one. I know in my heart that the apps I've been using aren't 100% accurate, however I've been fine with them.... til today. What do you guys think? I do not run for time, so would it be a waste of time & money?

I did experienced a slight Criminal Minds moment while on my run. About half way down the canal I noticed a white truck with a man holding a large object in his hand. At first I wasn't sure what he was holding, but the closer I got I realized it was a shovel. My first thought was to turn around, but that would've added about another mile to my run & I did not want to do that. Besides, he looked like he was 80 and what he was doing with a shovel I do not not know! I'm not a fast runner, but I totally could've gotten away. Kinda scary at first though. :0/

Sorry about the ranting, but that's really how today's training went. I'm expecting for the rest of the day to go well and I'm excited because after today, only one more day of work then I'm off for the summer.... 2.5 weeks, actually. Yay anyway!!! :0)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sluggish Sunday

So this morning when the alarm jostled me awake at 4:40, I started with the excuses:
  • *My legs hurt.
  • *I started yesterday.
  • *Far West Soccer Regionals are today and I should really go with Steve & Robyn.
But then I remembered that last Saturday my long run was "only" five miles. Today I would just have to add one more mile and suddenly I was ok with it because I was going about the same distance only a little further.  Oh how I love how our brains work!

So out the door I went and after a quick stretch of my calves, I was off. At about a half mile into it my right knee started to protest but quickly gave in and I was off and running at a comfy pace. I've done some research and not only does poor electrolyte balance cause calf cramps, but so does increasing your pace too quickly. I still believe that even though my Nike+ says I'm running a 9:45 minute mile, it does not mean my body can handle it for very long. I'm not big on speed because everyone who knows me is aware that I don't run for speed but so I can eat, alot. :o) Yes, running clears my mind from all its clutter and its done wonders for my body but I really only run so I can eat frosting and not feel any guilt over it. :o)

!  So at about mile 5, this is what I get to run by. My absolute favorite take out Mexican food place. Filiberto's! For my CA friends, it's identical to the Alberto's you guys have out there. I could smell them frying up the chorizo for the breakfast burritos. It was absolute torture but seeing that I only had one mile to go I felt it would be ok to stop for a photo. We used to be there so much that my husband is now good friends with the owner, Caesar, who's a really nice guy! If you're ever in there, be sure to say hi and be sure to try the carne asada burrito! It's to die for!

My time for today's run was not my best but I'm just glad to get it done! From doorstep back to doorstep it was a 6.01 mile run with 85 degrees and a light breeze. I'm not gonna lie, it was not easy and I think my calves were going to play games but all in all, it was not the worst run either.

When I finished I was sweaty and I was happy! Those 2 are a great combo for me and now I can take on the day with gusto! :o) Well, I was happy until I walked in the door to this:

Yep, this is Kitty, The Great Scorpion Hunter. And, this is his stance when he's stalking a scorpion. So apparently there's one somewhere by my front door. I hunched over to see if I could see anything and went back outside to see if it was just outside my door. Nothing.... yet. I'm sure I'll catch him paw-smacking one to death later. :o/ As annoying as I find our cat to be, he has kept us scorpion free since he's been with us so he can stay. :o)

So earlier I had mentioned that I could go to the Far West Regional Championship game with Steve & Robyn. To make a very long story short, Robyn made the A team in her age group for her soccer club in May of this year. Later in the month that team won the State Championship and qualified to play in the Far West Regional Tournament here in Arizona. Well, they made it as far as the quarter finals and that is great because this little team has never made it this far. Robyn's name on the left is printed on the official t-shirts that were sold at the tournament this past week. Of course she was able to charm her dad into buying her one. So here it is, my daughters name printed on a t-shirt for a prestigious tournament that will be worn by soccer players and fans all over the country. I'm very proud of her and the entire team. These girls play with incredible heart and I'm just glad that Robyn gets to experience what she's been working so hard for.  :o)

Well, I'm off to run some quick errands. Happy Day to you all! :o)

What's your favorite Mexican take-out place?

Are you afraid of scorpions?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Unscheduled Rest Day

This morning I woke up with pretty sore legs, and after alot of pacing I decided to just go ahead and let this be my rest day for the week. I usually reserve those days for Sunday because even God rested on the 7th day, but I think that at some point my calves would've wound up like this had I decided to go ahead and run.

That is not my leg, obviously, but man, am I ever so familiar with the ever dreaded calf cramp(s)! The first time I experienced those during a race, I almost hurled myself into Tempe Town Lake and I cant swim!!! Ugh!

So today will consist of some light house cleaning, a couple episodes of Mob Wives, (one of my many guilty pleasures), and of course what should be a part of every rest day!

I'm not a huge beer drinker but I HEART Bud Light Lime! It makes summer even that much sweeter! AND with only 110 calories per bottle I could justify it as part of one of my snacks! Yeah, I love this beer.

Another thing I try to do several times during my weekly rest day is play with this:

Get your mind out of the gutter! It's a rolling stick for my legs! I was very skeptical when I first purchased it, but after trying it a few times I did notice a huge difference in how my legs felt during the day after a run. It does what a foam roller does but much easier to use. No having to lay on the ground... Just sit or stand and roll away, much like rolling dough with a rolling pin. I concentrate mostly on my calves and hamstrings but sometimes do work on the IT Bands and quads. My legs love & thank me when I go to town with them using this toy. ;O) If you're interested in one, click here leg rolling stick for more info.

Ok, so off I go to start on the light cleaning ! :o)

What do you do to help with muscle soreness after a run/workout?

What is your favorite beer?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Not sure if you noticed, but I couldn't come up with a clever title for my entry this morning. I'm just too stinking happy to be blogging again, endorphined out from a tough cross-training work out and enjoying my morning cup of joe! Anyway, no title to this post but the quote above should sum up most of what I have to say... or not. :o)

Ok, so let's head aaaaallllll the way back to January of 2011... If you've been keeping up with me until then you know that I've adopted a healthy new lifestyle and love to run! One of the biggest elements in this journey has been where I go get tortured, I mean where I work out. It used to be called CATZ but now it's called The PITT ( Well, since i've gone back to work full-time the 6am no longer worked for me so I had no choice but to find a place that did. I found a couple places and for 1 very loooooong year I went PITT-less. :o( THE HORROR!!!! I did everything from an all women's boot camp, a big box gym cross-training class, spin class, hot yoga and a sort of knock off to what I was doing at the PITT. I managed to keep my weight within 5 pounds for a whole year but I could tell my fitness level was suffering. I continued to run but even my performance in that was lacking quite a bit. In January of this year I was told that the PITT would be offering a 5am class and I was over the moon! Totally happy and excited and nervous! The only thing is that going back was sooooo HARD!!!! Omigosh! I knew what was in store for me and I was soooo scared! The warm up alone will take everything you've got... just sayin'. :o/ But then I had to remind myself that it's supposed to be hard. That's why I do it! It's not to be skinny and maybe not even to be healthy, but because NOT everyone is doing it. That after every single work out I will know that everything I had was/is left on that track or turf or black top. So that's where I am again and I could not be happier!

So much more has happened over the last year but I have to go get ready for work, so that will have to wait... But before I go, have y'all tried this?!?!?!

Holy cow!!!! This creamer just blows my socks off every morning! It was recommended by a friend who knows just what my morning coffee means to me. I was very skeptical because I really don't like the Almond Joy candy bar, but this creamer is to die for!!!!! Yummmmy! I know it has lots of fat & sugar and will probably slow down how the time it takes for me to reach my next goal but it's worth it! I will run more! LOL!!!

What is your favorite creamer?

On a scale from 1-10 how difficult would you rate what you gave at your last work out?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Let's Try This One More Time

Ok, so I was a traitor for about 36 hours and tried Tumblr.... BLECH! Stupid & raunchy is all I have to say! :0/

It's past my bedtime but I just wanted to let y'all know imma back to blogging'. Let's see how this goes. :0)