Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 2.....

...... was not nearly as successful as week one. In fact, I gained 3 ounces! I will confess that upon stepping off the scale after Friday's weigh in, I was very upset but only for a very short time. 3 ounces is a mere sip of water and probably the result of only having slept 4 hours the night before. I've had friends who have told me that i'm making way too much out of 3 ounces and I know they're right, but for those who know me well... I can be obsessive. My performance coach asked to see my food log and came to the conclusion that i'm eating too much fruit and not enough veggies, my meals aren't really meals either. So, bottom line... I am not eating enough food to continue to fuel my body for the intense workouts I put it thru therefore it's hanging on to what I do eat. Back in the day that would have made no sense but I totally get it now. The question is.... how am I going to de-program myself from the actual CATZ diet which in my opinion, does not really consist of real meals? I mean it's a fair amount of food and it does fill me up, but I think I need to mix it up a little. Yesterday, after talking to an amazing friend who has lost alot of weight and lives a very healthy lifestyle, I went out and bought Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut" book. This book is really for those who have less than 20 pounds to lose. For those who are trying to rid themselves of those pesky last few pounds, gearing up for an event or just trying to get ripped. Anyway, I love her food plans but she has bread, rice and potatoes included!!!! I am soooo brainwashed into thinking that those 3 are the devil!!!! I thought that maybe I should just go ahead with this plan for the next the 30 days sans the carbs, but then I might as well continue with the CATZ diet. See what I mean???? OBSESSIVE, huh? This week will be better. :o) One thing that has me floating on air is that I took her fitness test and found out that I could do 10 military push ups!!!! That's huge... The average amount for a female my age is between 8-17. So, gone are the girly push ups!!! Yay!?

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