Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Born to Run? Mmmmmm..... not so much.

If you're a friend of mine on Facebook you probably already know that i've incorporated running into my work-out schedule. I actually started running sometime back in January because I found that I was losing even more weight that way. I still look back to last year right around this time when my wonderful neighbor and I decided that we were going to start running. HA! That was funny! I couldn't even go a yard so I quit because it was just too hard. As of this morning I am currently at 6.37 miles.! Whew! Now, let me make something clear.... I don't like to run, in fact, I think I kinda hate it. In the beginning I used to try and talk myself out of it but opted to go because I knew that i'd berate myself for the rest of the day if I didn't . I still semi-try to talk myself out of it but quickly remind my brain of how I feel AFTER the run. The sense of accomplishment, the hard earned sweat and how much closer I am to my goal. I've commited to running a half marathon in January so I'm half-way there! Yay! :o) I was having trouble understanding why I hate to run, it's way, way easier than CATZ and i'm the boss on the treadmill. Well, today it came to me.... it's the first mile and a half!!!! That first stretch of every run i've done since day 1 has tried to be the death of me!!! I don't know what it is but I HATE it! I also hate the warm-up at CATZ but I do it because I have a performance coach giving me the stink-eye if I slack even a little bit. I guess I have to come up with something to get me thru that first 20 minutes of running. I have a great play-list and the rec center where I run is absolutley beautiful, but I do need ideas on how to get past the first part of my run without wanting to stab myself in the throat. Funny though, that I ran the distance I did today.... On Saturday I eeked out 3.50 miles and told myself today that I wasn't going to push myself and just do what I could in one hour. It always amazes me to see what I can tell my body to do and it actually listens! :o)

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