Friday, August 27, 2010

A STRONG Start..... maybe?

So..... like I mentioned yesterday, today was my weigh in for Week 1 of the CATZ Fitness Challenge and it proved to be a successful one! :o) I managed to drop a whopping 5 pounds... YESSSS!!! I do have to confess that I was not really all that surprised at the significant drop. It's very common for an individual to lose anywhere between 5-8 pounds at the beginning of a weight loss program. However, in my case, I never really stopped eating clean and exercising BUT.... when I did my initial weigh in last week I was 2 days from starting my cycle which as women, we all know that can cause a 3-5 pound weight gain/water retention. So... technically I only really lost 1 pound.....right? Ok, so maybe I cheated but to be honest, a huge drop at the beginning was a huge motivator at the beginning of the last challenge I did and I was in the same position THEN. Lets not forget that my last challenge was a huge success, baby!!!! The games we play with a stupid, dumb scale are sooooo funny! Every man i've talked to about weight loss and fitness has told me how perplexed they are by us women, and that's MOST of us, and how fixated we are by the scale and a number. So we can comfortably get into a size 8, BUT the scale is not reflecting the weight we feel we should be at, therefore we beat ourselves up. WHY IS THAT???? Do you talk to yourself? I do, and every morning when I get on that scale and it's not where it should be, I yucky-talk myself. I tell my daughter she's beautiful in every way, but I can't seem to manage to even think those words about myself after I get off a scale. ESPECIALLY when it's not at the digits I feel it should be. I could be a pound off and I will negative talk myself at least until noon. The good thing is that now when that happens I don't head straight for the refrigerator! :o) I know that I shouldn't base my self image and worth on a number but unfortunately for some reason it's what most of us do. Why do we do that????

Anyway, those were my results for this week and I couldn't be happier!


  1. Patty you are a beautiful women and you need to began to tell yourself that. The mind is such a pouwerful tool. I you tell yourself something long enough you began to believe it to be true. So, I have another chanellge for you. Everyday for one week straight I want you to tell yourself how beautiful you are, what a great mother and wife you are. And pick out 5 things you love about yourself and 5 things you love about your physical apperance. Do this every morning the first 5 mins when you wake up and I promise you will feel better and this will help you take down the scale. Keep blogging love it! And yes I talk to myself to your not alone.

  2. Patty, let me start by saying that I love it! You are a beautiful person inside and out. As woman we are our own worst enemies and there is always something we don't like about ourselves. Believe me, I am on that scale every morning and I have that same conversation with myself. You are not alone:)
