Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here We Go......

Blogging is something i've seriously contemplated on doing for a very long time but neglected to do so because, well..... because I was intimidated. Would I be eloquent enough? Would I misuse punctuation and apply terrible grammar? Or even worse, would I ramble on & on to where a reader or two would sigh and say: "Oh lady, who cares!!!!!"  You see, I read a lot of blogs penned by amazing orators and writers, stay-at -home-moms with funny stories and individuals going thru tough times who bravely tell their stories on the web. What makes me so special?  So, I figure I'd just jump in and see where it goes.... I mean, if it gets to be too much, I could always just stop, right? Anyway, welcome to my blog and I hope you kinda like it. :o)

At the beginning of this year I embarked on an amazing journey. One that I never thought I'd even consider traveling! I made the decision to exercise and live a clean healthy life-style. Yep, you read right.... E-X-E-R-C-I-S-E. For those who are close to me know that a year ago, I would not even have considered such a feat. It all started 3 years ago, when my daughter's soccer team started working out at CATZ (Competetive Athletes Training Zone). It's basically sports conditioning but on steroids. Shortly after that a few adults on the team thought they'd start working there as well and would NOT stop talking about it. I was excited for them but not completely sold. Unsurprisingly, in a matter of months they all began to shed major pounds and that's when I decided that something needed to change but it took me almost a 2 years to snap into action. I signed up for one of their 8 week challenges and was able to lose 20 pounds! It was seriously one of the hardest things i've ever done. I, like the parents before me, could not stop talking about it! I thought everyone should go and experience what I was experiencing. One of the moms suggested I start a blog back in January and here I am. Preparing To Be Great.....

At the beginning of every challenge one is handed a paper with some set goals and a brief synopsis of what to expect during a challenge. There were only 4 words that jumped out at me on January 4th, 2010... PREPARE TO BE GREAT! That was it..... I was sold because I knew that they knew I would succeed and I did. Now, 40 pounds lighter and feeling better than I have in a long time I sit here ready to share my successes, failures and everything in between. I've started another challenge at CATZ which started last Friday and I could not be more excited! My first weigh in is tomorrow... wish me luck!!!!!!

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