Sunday, November 11, 2012

Doubt Be Gone!

So this morning when I woke up the temperature outside was a nippy 37 degrees and my tummy was feeling weird. I tried to talk myself out of going but after realizing that I'd only run twice last week and skipped my long run last Sunday, today's run was a must. OMG! It was so cold but I managed to run 8.43 miles at a decent pace. Many thoughts went thru my head during my run but one that stood out was how I've almost been at this for 3 years!!! That's incredible! I look back at the person I was 3 years ago and I don't think I really liked her. She was grouchy and tired all the time. Not fun at all. And she was really, really sad. Nope not going back there again. EVER.

I also was dealing with some doubt.... It's been 4 weeks since San Francisco and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do the 8 miles. I ran out of gas last week and kept telling myself that I wouldn't be able to get thru this run successfully. Once I reached mile 6 I stopped to stretch and drink some water. I also took a salt tablet and started up again. Not too bad. I think I'm going to be ok. :0)

This past week I made the decision to quit with the coffee and start drinking tea. What would possess me to do that? Well, for me, it was never about the coffee, it was all about the creamer. I love flavored creamers but adding 70 calories and all that sugar just made no sense to me at all. I did deal with shakes and headaches some but I'm fine now. I've also added Truvia as my sweetener of choice & it's good! I found a Pumpkin Spice tea by Bigelow so I'm a happy gal! I love all things pumpkin so this made the transition pretty easy. :0)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Getting Tiffaneyed!

Not sure if i'd mentioned in previous posts that my name had been pulled to run the Nike Women's Half Marathon. Yep, i'd put it in on a whim and was horrified elated when I found out that I had been one of 25,000 in the whole entire world chosen to run in this coveted race! Because Arizona is flat, for the most part, I thought I would not be prepared. I actually did not start to seriously train until 6 weeks prior and I did ok... No PR but an awesome experience nonetheless.

This is what got me incredibly pumped for the race. A ginormous banner hanging over Macy's in Union Square. So Coooool! :o)
My name on a banner alongside a multitude of other amazing women's names! This was hung outside of NikeTown in Union Square. Another boost for the race! :o)
It doesn't look it, but I was terrified at the starting line. I almost just said forget it and headed back to my hotel room....
...because I knew that at certain points i'd be encountering hills like this!
And this!
But eventually I got over it and did this... Smile and just go with it because...
....eventually I would reach the finish and be Victorious!!!
Not only was the race and finish better than I ever had dreamed but THIS is what awaited me at the finish! :o)

This is the bauble that was inside what that handsome fireman presented me with! Funny, throughout my whole training this is all I thought of, but during the race, I didn't think of it ONCE! :o)

Before & after of what I do after a long race. Murder the heck out of a cheeseburger, extra salty fries and a large coke! Burp!!!! :o)
Needless to say, I slept like a baby that night but not before taking a memento pic of some the rewards I'd earned on that day.
I got a reward soooo much bigger on October 14th that I shall never forget. My husband had never accompanied me to a Half Marathon until now. He saw me run by twice along the course and got to see me cross the finish line. He was the only person I ever wanted to see after every long race and I'm so glad that he was there for this one! I love him! :o)
I did this and no one can ever take it away from me! Fingers crossed for next year! :o)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Plus Sized NOT!

Every now & then my mind will take a detour to: "I have been on this fitness journey for about 2.5 years now! So, why am I not a size 2????" It's during these times that I start to feel discontent and upset with myself and I absolutely hate it. Most of you know that I am an admitted Pintrest addict and if you follow me, you know that I love food and I love fitness. The other day while on Pintrest I came across this photo:

Ladies, this absolutely gorgeous creature is considered a plus size model! Say what????? I don't know about you, but I could only wish I looked like her! Everything about her is stunning! What I love most about this picture is that it's completely obvious that she works out, as her tummy is toned, her legs and arms show muscle definition and her shoulders are softly rounded. I am willing to bet that she maintains a healthy diet! I bet she drinks lots of water, I bet she eats lots of fruits & veggies and, I bet that every now & then she indulges in a cocktail. I do not see any evidence of her having given birth due to the lack of stretchmarks, but I understand that not all women get them. I'm just going to pretend that she has given birth to 3 beautiful babies! ;0) Am I going to easier on myself because of this picture? NO way! I'm still going to work as hard as ever on the exercise & nutrition end, I'm just going to be nicer to myself when it comes to self image and the occasional "Why aren't you a size 2?' mentality.

I'm sooo glad I came across this picture today, because it has encouraged me on so many levels and I hope it encourages you too. I'm not saying that being a size 2 is a bad thing because it most certainly is not, but it's not something we would beat ourselves up over if we're not. It's all about being healthy and you ladies have encouraged me sooo much in so many ways to keep at it!  :o) 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Sitting right here in front of my PC and typing on my keyboard is someone who is tremendously fond of running on a treadmill. Call me crazy.... because I know I am, but the treadmill has been one of the biggest contributors to my success in running. Well, at least I think so.... Anyway, a few months after embarking on my fitness journey, summer hit Arizona and I was not interested in running thru 100+ degree weather at all. My commitment to running was not yet what it is now, so getting up at 4am to hit the pavement was something I so was not ready to do then. Soooo, I headed over to the local Rec center where my love affair with Mr. Treadmill began. I was a little nervous at first because I'd heard the stories of people falling off and I did not want to humiliate myself. I began very slowly, almost walking, to running at a decent speed and really enjoyed watching the mileage on the machine increase as I ran. 90% of my Sole Sisters and Brothers detest running on the treadmill because it's monotonous and not as exciting as running outside. Well, like everything in life, to each their own, because I love it. I trained almost exclusively on the treadmill for my first half marathon and finished in great time! A good friend of mine, who happened to play for the US Women's National Soccer Team and then went on to play pro for the San Diego Spirit, is an avid treadmill runner. I figure, if it's good enough for a former professional athlete, it's good enough for me! ;o) Don't get me wrong, running outdoors is awesome... Especially when it isn't blazing saddles out there, but I will never knock the treadmill. That precious machine has a very special place in my corazon and has been very important in helping me to be the runner I am today. :o)

As of April I canceled my membership to the rec center and joined Planet Fitness, where I keep looking for, but can't seem to find this guy:

I don't think he even works out there because I have never seen him. Hmmmm!

The decision to leave the rec center was tough but also a no brainer because Planet Fitness is much cheaper and I ONLY use the treadmill at any gym I go to anyway. They don't offer any classes but that's OK because there is absolutely NOTHING better than The PITT in the East Valley, in my opinion. I know this won't be the case when I head back to work, but I've been training there mid-day and it's empty! Yay! :o)

Have you ever trained on a treadmill? If so, share your thoughts.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fresh Legs.....

....are for the most part what got me thru this mornings' run. It felt really wonderful not feeling any pain for most of it and I was happy only having  to focus on my surroundings, the occasional breeze and whichever song was playing. I thought after yesterday's PITT work out, I would feel really sore because normally when I hit the floor most mornings, especially after a hard work out, my legs and sometimes feet are screaming bloody murder. Not today!!! :o) I do love the soreness I feel on my muscles most of the time because that just tells me that I worked hard, but not when I have to run. My history with cramping has made it so that any twitch freaks me out! I'd rather give birth to 10 pound twins than to ever cramp again. Seriously! Most runners relish running in great weather , (especially in AZ), good terrain, etc. In my case, nothing tops fresh legs while I run. That pain-free, no tightness whatsoever while I run feeling is better than........ ummmm, butter cream frosting! :o)

Sooooo, at about 4 miles into my workout I noticed someone headed in my direction who looked verrrrry familiar. As I got closer I realized it was one of my Sole Sisters!!!! Amy W.! I 've only hit the pavement with her once before and we run at a very similar pace so I didn't die. She did kick it up some and I was probably going at full speed for me, but we didn't talk.... much. I think it's pretty funny that after my last rant blog post about being a content solo runner,  I would run into a dear friend and enjoy it! Of course, it was only for 1 mile and we didn't carry on a full conversation (thank goodness). :o) Lucky for me, she was headed over to boot camp up at the park nearby and I was about a 1/4 mile from my house, so I had a good excuse for cutting it short.

I'm starting to think that I may need to start setting some more goals for myself... Not sure what though. I'm at my happy weight ( for the most part), I hit my mark on the exercise front 99% of the time and I've got a couple races lined up to train for. I'm thinking maybe I should just set some non-fitness goals... so I don't burn myself out. I know! My goal this week will be to come up for some new goals! Yes! :o)

Well, time to start my day... I'd like to leave with you this: I know that all of you amazing ladies live very busy lives and I'd like to thank you for taking the time out for me and following me. Your support means more than you will ever know. You are all so motivating and inspire me to push myself in ways I never thought possible. Love you guys! :o)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sole Sisters

Earlier this morning I had planned on hitting the pavement with a friend who I haven't run with in a while. She has unexpected guests from out of town and would not have been in any condition to run after a late evening out. I was a bit relieved because I'm still really sore from yesterdays' The PITT work out and afternoon run, but I was also bummed bcause we haven't run together since February and I took a rest day on Thursday.... So I will need to hit the treadmill later today.

The majority of my friends know that I prefer to run alone, but I'm fully aware that the women I run with now and have with in the past are a crucial component to my fitness journey and the success I've had with it so far. Running is such a personal and sometimes emotional experience for me and that is why I love to do it solo. After the 1st mile I go into an almost zen state where all is well with the world and I love that feeling. Perhaps that's when  I hit my runners high, I don't know.... But what I do know is that even with the iPod going and the occassional breeze, I feel free most of the time. Don't get me wrong, it isn't unicorns & rainbows every single time I run, but when it is I love it.

Before I continue to paint myself as a selfish running ass let me explain why I prefer to run alone. I don't run fast. There. I said it. That's why I like to run alone. Not because I don't like people or even because of the zen-like state a nice run puts me in, but because I can't run at a decent speed and talk at the same time. I've been at this for 2.5 years and I still cannot talk while I run! My last running partner was an amazing runner who could talk at a fast running pace for the entire hour without sounding breathless. She's amazing. Why did I run with her? Because at the time she was going thru some stuff and I thought i'd be someone she could unload on. I thought she needed a friend and so I tried to be that to her while we ran.

The following ladies are the ones who have endured runs with me. Some really great and some not so great but know that without them I never would have embraced running as I have. They have inspired me to do things I never thought possible for me. Love these gals immensely.

Without this group of women I'm certain I wouldn't have as many medals as I do nor the confidence to keep going. I hope to add many more to my running album because truth be told, I do love running with friends... just don't make me talk, especially if we're running fast! :o)

Enjoy your weekend everyone! :o)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I HATE Technology Sometimes!

This morning's run was grrrrrr! It was a run that I actually really, really did not want to do because I woke up to day 2 of TOM. I felt sluggish, bloated & tired but I trudged along anyway. At around mile 2 I noticed that my Nike app had not announced my mileage at all. When I checked my phone it showed my run paused at .52! Omigosh! I flipped!!!! I stopped for a minute to try & decide wether or not I should keep going, but then realized I was already half way done & would be finished soon, so off I went. I like to think that every run I do is not for time, but mileage is a big deal to me because I like to watch the miles increase over the year. This morning my GRRRR was in caps but it's dwindled down to just.... Grrrr. :0)

Which leads me to my next deal.... a different mileage tracker for my runs. Many of my running buddies own the kind that you wear on your wrist that have a strap you wear around your torso. I've really never done much research on them because I've always relied on my phone apps, but I think the time has come to seriously start looking for one. The question is, which one?!? There are sooo many & they're expensive, and I really don't want to buy a sucky one. I know in my heart that the apps I've been using aren't 100% accurate, however I've been fine with them.... til today. What do you guys think? I do not run for time, so would it be a waste of time & money?

I did experienced a slight Criminal Minds moment while on my run. About half way down the canal I noticed a white truck with a man holding a large object in his hand. At first I wasn't sure what he was holding, but the closer I got I realized it was a shovel. My first thought was to turn around, but that would've added about another mile to my run & I did not want to do that. Besides, he looked like he was 80 and what he was doing with a shovel I do not not know! I'm not a fast runner, but I totally could've gotten away. Kinda scary at first though. :0/

Sorry about the ranting, but that's really how today's training went. I'm expecting for the rest of the day to go well and I'm excited because after today, only one more day of work then I'm off for the summer.... 2.5 weeks, actually. Yay anyway!!! :0)