Saturday, October 27, 2012

Getting Tiffaneyed!

Not sure if i'd mentioned in previous posts that my name had been pulled to run the Nike Women's Half Marathon. Yep, i'd put it in on a whim and was horrified elated when I found out that I had been one of 25,000 in the whole entire world chosen to run in this coveted race! Because Arizona is flat, for the most part, I thought I would not be prepared. I actually did not start to seriously train until 6 weeks prior and I did ok... No PR but an awesome experience nonetheless.

This is what got me incredibly pumped for the race. A ginormous banner hanging over Macy's in Union Square. So Coooool! :o)
My name on a banner alongside a multitude of other amazing women's names! This was hung outside of NikeTown in Union Square. Another boost for the race! :o)
It doesn't look it, but I was terrified at the starting line. I almost just said forget it and headed back to my hotel room....
...because I knew that at certain points i'd be encountering hills like this!
And this!
But eventually I got over it and did this... Smile and just go with it because...
....eventually I would reach the finish and be Victorious!!!
Not only was the race and finish better than I ever had dreamed but THIS is what awaited me at the finish! :o)

This is the bauble that was inside what that handsome fireman presented me with! Funny, throughout my whole training this is all I thought of, but during the race, I didn't think of it ONCE! :o)

Before & after of what I do after a long race. Murder the heck out of a cheeseburger, extra salty fries and a large coke! Burp!!!! :o)
Needless to say, I slept like a baby that night but not before taking a memento pic of some the rewards I'd earned on that day.
I got a reward soooo much bigger on October 14th that I shall never forget. My husband had never accompanied me to a Half Marathon until now. He saw me run by twice along the course and got to see me cross the finish line. He was the only person I ever wanted to see after every long race and I'm so glad that he was there for this one! I love him! :o)
I did this and no one can ever take it away from me! Fingers crossed for next year! :o)